Saturday 11 October 2014

Here Comes The Ashbecks :: Chapter 1 - Widespot Never Knew What Hit It

May contain mild swearing and plenty of Sim chaos!

Look out Widespot, here comes trouble!

Standing in front of her new domain in the small town of Widespot, Amanda surveyed the land.

The town was so small she had managed to get a 3x3 plot of land for dirt cheap. Not bad for someone kicked out of her parents house with just the 20,000 she had managed to save from her college fund and the odd job here and there.

Amanda is a romance Sim,  reasonably neat and active, VERY outgoing, very playful but not nice at all.

Still, it got her a smallish room that could technically be called a house. It at least had a bed & toilet and shower inside. Good thing Amanda loves hot dogs.

"Dear Diary....I want a TV. The latest flatscreen model, with a cool plumbob aerial on it. Man, forget having walls. I'm missing Simstenders!"

After updating her diary with her most pressing thoughts as Sims are apt to do, Amanda headed out to go see if she could go start a fight make friends with the locals.

Unfortunately Amanda didn't find much when she got to the nearest store other then a rather dull to her clothing store and a old lady with a fondness for blush plus a VERY grumpy girl on the till.

Cashier- "Stupid dumb newbie Sims coming in here with their fancy blonde hair and fancy blue dresses and greeting people."

Amanda DID however find her first conquest- and he played into her hands like putty. Not bad for someone who had just moved in.

Cashier- "Stupid influential dumb Sims trying to influence others to woohoo. It'll never work."

Maybe the cashier underestimated Amanda, because she sure seemed to be doing a good job at wooing the man, even if she hadn't scored the 'hoo yet.

She sure was getting closer though- what Sim can resist the temptation of their new found flame entering a conveniently placed changing booth?

 Well it sure wasn't this guy- game, set and match to Amanda. Oh yes.

First day in the neighbourhood and already a public woohoo. Gotta make a name for yourself after all, even if it's not particularly positive...

"ALRIGHT! This is the most action I've seen in there in MONTHS!"

After Amanda was the changing booth with her presence, Pink Suited Old Lady started immediately taking an interest in the clothes available.

 "Gotta get some of that! Maybe a slinky red number for the husband will do it..."

The old lady really did seem more....desperate...somehow. Kind of creepily so actually.

Aaaand moving on....

Amanda met a man by the name of Peter Sims. Indeed. He had a very nice bright yellow top.

Meanwhile, at the chess table, young Scot got introduced very important topic in a Sim's life whilst his mum Beulah looked on disapprovingly.

Luckily Scot was nothing but naive about the whole thing.

"First woohoo? Oh I've heard about that, is it mean, your move."

Once the elders had moved out of the picture though, Scot could find out more about this rather intriguing subject.

"Fantastic! Now all I need is a girlfriend! Oh, and good move by the way, very expertly done."
"Wow kid, you have a lot to learn."

Going back to Amanda, I found her deep in conversation with Peter about her exploits, both in her old home and her success already in her new home.

Amanda being Amanda wasn't long before she found herself deeply disagreeing with the way that only she can.

Poor Peter never knew this could only end in trouble.

Unfortunately for our unlucky lady, Peter was stronger in mind and body and caused her much embarrassment having to lose a fight. Way to be the subject of much discussion over a cup of tea Amanda!

Beulah: "Young lady, you seriously need some lessons. Call me, I've trained the best. Young Peter over there got everything he needs to know from me. I'll throw in my famous roundhouse kick for free if you act now."
Amanda: "Uh, thanks?"

Poor Amanda was already embarrassed, she didn't need Chuck Norris's grandma trying to give her tips on top of that. Feeling her cheeks flaming, she beat a hasty retreat home.

Once home, Amanda engaged in something that had always helped her calm down- bottle juggling! Whilst others had seen it as rather strange, she felt it helped her feel much better.

Once calmed, Amanda decided to actually be responsible and look for a job. After all, lawn living was already starting to irritate her, being a woman appreciating creature comforts such as plush carpets and indoor plumbing not in the same room as her bed.

She managed to get a job as a security guard. Paid crappy but hey, it was a job. I wish it was that easy to get a job in real life!

But Amanda was impatient and wanted a nicer place NOW. So she decided to dig to see if she could get any treasure like she had heard about in the newspaper. No such luck for treasure chests, but she did find a few rocks, some maps inexplicably buried under the lot and bones. Lots and lots of bones.

"What was this place, a dog storage vault????"

Giving up on treasure hunting for now and vowing to buy a metal detector, Amanda went to greet the welcome wagon, and give her own special welcome to Junior Mann.

Junior: "It was very nice of you to let me enter your home Amanda! But do you really have a no clothes rule? And is this really the only place to sit?"

Easy conquest, really.

Sadly, after doing the deed, Junior, on a quest for a drink discovered the hard way that Amanda's fridge had a funny electrical fault that only affects townies. 

Probably best not to get that looked at.

"I KILLED a man. I have a BODY COUNT now! Oh man, probably best NOT to mention that to the guys at work..."

It was for this reason Amanda went to her first day of work maybe a tad more nervous then usual. Her job was to arrest people, not get arrested herself!

But thankfully everything went fine, and Amanda found another person to woo- and hoo! A man by the name of Juan- remember him!

Why? Because he was absolutely smitten with Amanda! After woohooing he immediately wanted to get engaged to her.

And maybe he knew something Amanda didn't- she woke up quite suddenly in the middle of the night with a terrible stomach ache and nausea. She put it down to something she ate but in the back of her mind, she had a feeling...

The feeling in the back of her mind was confirmed when she suddenly gained a bump after eating lunch- and it wasn't too many hamburgers!

"Dear Diary...well, it happened. I knew pregnancy would catch up with me some day. And you know the weird thing? I'm actually kinda excited. I know, I know, I'm romance, romance Sims don't get excited about pregnancies. But still! Juan is really sweet too."

Amanda managed to find a cute cot for her little one in a charity shop, almost brand new but super cute! Now all she needed was some paint on the walls and some more windows.

Slipping into comfy stretch trousers and a matching long sleeved top, Amanda smiled. She realised that wow, she really did like being pregnant. Maybe she was half family Sim and didn't realise it.

Of course, Juan had to know about Amanda expecting his child. "All in good time" she mused.

When she got her second pregnancy bump however, she knew she would have to get a move on before the baby was here, and without the father around.

Taking a deep breath, she picked up the phone and dialed Juan to invite him over and tell him the good news.

When he arrived however, Amanda could only get out "omghiJuanI'mpregnantwithyourchild", taking Juan aback before she repeated it, this time in English. (well, Simlish but you know what I mean)

Juan was delighted to hear the news! Being a family Sim having a child was one of his greatest wishes.

Juan: "Well, looks like I'll be moving in! Hope you don't mind a winter wedding!"
Amanda: "Not at all dear, not at all."

Juan brought in a great deal of money and enabled the Ashbecks to have a rather respectable small house. it had everything Amanda dreamt of- plenty of space, nice and bright, a seperate bathroom and both of the Sims were very happy.

And with that, I leave you!

Thanks for reading! Tune in next time for quite possibly the cutest child in Widespot, second thoughts and more shenanigans!

1 comment:

  1. Well, she went from 0 to whoa really fast! At least she got a cute house out of the deal. Hopefully a cute kid as well. :)
